Users Ranking

Notes To All Observer!
Only Final reports will be calculated in this ranking.
Name District Designation No. of Visit Reports No. of Observations No. of Files No. of Roads Observed Previous Points Current Points Previous Rank Current Rank Change In Rank Action
Cerullo Waranaka PG1403 Site Engineer 0 186 392 12 692 638 1 1 0
Napthali Tabali PG1404 Site Engineer 0 194 348 11 664 597 2 2 0
Joe Kamim 0 Filed Engineer 0 89 268 12 469 417 3 3 0
Obert Peter Field Engineer 0 151 167 14 427 388 4 4 0
Hossy Paul 0 Field Engineer 0 65 214 7 333 314 6 5 1
Hossy Paul PG1504 Site Engineer 0 56 207 8 333 303 5 6 1
Nancy Wafiwa M&E Officer 0 58 156 10 280 264 7 7 0
Rachel Bowie Community Facilitator 0 51 121 15 274 247 8 8 0
Jacky Elaia Training Officer 0 48 117 8 224 205 9 9 0
Carol Paul Admin Finance Officer 0 24 49 9 128 118 10 10 0
Arun Kumar Yadav PG1401 ILO 0 31 37 8 126 108 11 11 0
Rua Puka GIS Specialist 0 11 21 7 74 67 12 12 0
Jahmmy Ombiolu PG1404 Site Engineer 0 18 24 3 65 57 13 13 0 PG1401 Engineer 0 3 7 3 28 25 14 14 0
Jacob Gele Province Unit 0 3 5 3 26 23 15 15 0
Peter Wenambo PG1403 Field Engineer 0 6 3 1 16 14 16 16 0
Ben Yalehen Provincial Works Director 0 1 3 1 10 9 17 17 0
Hanns Kawatt Technical officer 0 1 2 1 9 8 18 18 0
Paul Schutz Province Unit 0 1 1 1 8 7 19 19 0